Oklahoma City at Science and Arts
@ Chickasha, OK (Drover Fieldhouse)
10/13/2022 at 6:00 PM

Final 1 2 3 Score
Oklahoma City (10-11, 8-6) 25 25 27 3
Science and Arts (8-11, 4-10) 15 20 25 0
Set: 1st  |  2nd  |  3rd
  OKLAHOMA starters: Cassidy DeShong; Hannah Grundy; Ruby Kelley; Riley Winkler; Rylee Steward; Catelyn Vargas.  
  SCIENCE starters: Yeishka Reyes; Madison Garcia; Allison Patak; Lariah Allen; PJ Curry; Samantha Perez.  
1-0 [Madison Garcia] Kill by Rylee Steward (from Cassidy DeShong). Point OKLAHOMA
[Kaitlyn Dunlap] Kill by Samantha Perez (from Madison Garcia). Point SCIENCE
2-1 [Marquis King] Kill by Catelyn Vargas (from Cassidy DeShong). Point OKLAHOMA
[Emma Vance] Kill by PJ Curry (from Madison Garcia). Point SCIENCE
3-2 [Amanda Trevizo] Kill by Gabrielle Fjeseth (from Emma Vance). Point OKLAHOMA
4-2 [Ruby Kelley] Attack error by Lariah Allen. Point OKLAHOMA
5-2 [Ruby Kelley] Attack error by Allison Patak. Point OKLAHOMA
6-2 [Ruby Kelley] Kill by Catelyn Vargas (from Emma Vance). Point OKLAHOMA
7-2 [Ruby Kelley] Attack error by Lariah Allen (block by Gabrielle Fjeseth; Catelyn Vargas). Point OKLAHOMA
  Timeout Science and Arts.  
8-2 [Ruby Kelley] Service ace (Team). Point OKLAHOMA
[Ruby Kelley] Kill by Lariah Allen (from Madison Garcia). Point SCIENCE
9-3 [Samantha Perez] Kill by Catelyn Vargas (from Emma Vance). Point OKLAHOMA
[Catelyn Vargas] Kill by Kat Smith (from Samantha Perez). Point SCIENCE
10-4 [Lariah Allen] Kill by Rylee Steward (from Emma Vance). Point OKLAHOMA
11-4 [Cassidy DeShong] Attack error by Kat Smith. Point OKLAHOMA
12-4 [Cassidy DeShong] Service ace (Team). Point OKLAHOMA
[Cassidy DeShong] Kill by Yeishka Reyes (from Samantha Perez). Point SCIENCE
[Soleil Trejo] Kill by Lariah Allen (from Samantha Perez). Point SCIENCE
[Soleil Trejo] Attack error by Hannah Grundy. Point SCIENCE
13-7 [Soleil Trejo] Kill by Michela de Stefano (from Cassidy DeShong). Point OKLAHOMA
14-7 [Michela de Stefano] Kill by Rylee Steward (from Cassidy DeShong). Point OKLAHOMA
15-7 [Michela de Stefano] Kill by Rylee Steward (from Cassidy DeShong). Point OKLAHOMA
[Michela de Stefano] Attack error by Ruby Kelley. Point SCIENCE
16-8 [Madison Garcia] Service error. Point OKLAHOMA
17-8 [Kaitlyn Dunlap] Service ace (Yeishka Reyes). Point OKLAHOMA
  Timeout Science and Arts.  
18-8 [Kaitlyn Dunlap] Kill by Ruby Kelley (from Cassidy DeShong). Point OKLAHOMA
[Kaitlyn Dunlap] Kill by PJ Curry (from Madison Garcia). Point SCIENCE
19-9 [Marquis King] Kill by Catelyn Vargas (from Cassidy DeShong). Point OKLAHOMA
[Emma Vance] Attack error by Gabrielle Fjeseth. Point SCIENCE
20-10 [Amanda Trevizo] Kill by Catelyn Vargas. Point OKLAHOMA
21-10 [Ruby Kelley] Service ace (Lariah Allen). Point OKLAHOMA
[Ruby Kelley] Kill by Lariah Allen (from Madison Garcia). Point SCIENCE
[Samantha Perez] Kill by Kat Smith (from Samantha Perez). Point SCIENCE
[Samantha Perez] Kill by Lariah Allen (from Samantha Perez). Point SCIENCE
[Samantha Perez] Kill by Lariah Allen (from Soleil Trejo). Point SCIENCE
22-14 [Samantha Perez] Kill by Catelyn Vargas (from Emma Vance). Point OKLAHOMA
23-14 [Catelyn Vargas] Attack error by Kat Smith (block by Gabrielle Fjeseth; Rylee Steward). Point OKLAHOMA
[Catelyn Vargas] Service error. Point SCIENCE
24-15 [Lariah Allen] Service error. Point OKLAHOMA
25-15 [Cassidy DeShong] Kill by Ruby Kelley (from Kaitlyn Dunlap). Point OKLAHOMA
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[Michela de Stefano] Attack error by Hannah Grundy (block by Yeishka Reyes; Samantha Perez). Point SCIENCE
1-1 [Marquis King] Attack error by Lariah Allen (block by Hannah Grundy; Rylee Steward). Point OKLAHOMA
2-1 [Kaitlyn Dunlap] Attack error by PJ Curry. Point OKLAHOMA
[Kaitlyn Dunlap] Service error. Point SCIENCE
3-2 [Amanda Trevizo] Kill by Catelyn Vargas (from Cassidy DeShong). Point OKLAHOMA
[Emma Vance] Service error. Point SCIENCE
4-3 [Samantha Perez] Service error. Point OKLAHOMA
5-3 [Ruby Kelley] Attack error by Kat Smith (block by Gabrielle Fjeseth; Catelyn Vargas). Point OKLAHOMA
[Ruby Kelley] Kill by Allison Patak (from Samantha Perez). Point SCIENCE
[Lariah Allen] Attack error by Michela de Stefano. Point SCIENCE
6-5 [Lariah Allen] Kill by Catelyn Vargas (from Emma Vance). Point OKLAHOMA
[Catelyn Vargas] Attack error by Michela de Stefano. Point SCIENCE
[Soleil Trejo] Kill by Yeishka Reyes (from Samantha Perez). Point SCIENCE
7-7 [Soleil Trejo] Service error. Point OKLAHOMA
8-7 [Cassidy DeShong] Service ace (Team). Point OKLAHOMA
9-7 [Cassidy DeShong] Bad set by Samantha Perez. Point OKLAHOMA
[Cassidy DeShong] Kill by Kat Smith (from Samantha Perez). Point SCIENCE
10-8 [Madison Garcia] Kill by Michela de Stefano (from Cassidy DeShong). Point OKLAHOMA
[Michela de Stefano] Attack error by Hannah Grundy. Point SCIENCE
[Marquis King] Ball handling error by Cassidy DeShong. Point SCIENCE
11-10 [Marquis King] Service error. Point OKLAHOMA
[Kaitlyn Dunlap] Attack error by Ruby Kelley. Point SCIENCE
[Amanda Trevizo] Attack error by Ruby Kelley. Point SCIENCE
[Amanda Trevizo] Attack error by Hannah Grundy (block by Allison Patak; Lariah Allen). Point SCIENCE
  Timeout Oklahoma City.  
[Amanda Trevizo] Attack error by Catelyn Vargas. Point SCIENCE
12-14 [Amanda Trevizo] Kill by Catelyn Vargas (from Cassidy DeShong). Point OKLAHOMA
13-14 [Emma Vance] Attack error by Lariah Allen. Point OKLAHOMA
14-14 [Emma Vance] Service ace (Marquis King). Point OKLAHOMA
15-14 [Emma Vance] Kill by Gabrielle Fjeseth (from Emma Vance). Point OKLAHOMA
16-14 [Emma Vance] Service ace (Marquis King). Point OKLAHOMA
17-14 [Emma Vance] Attack error by Marquis King. Point OKLAHOMA
18-14 [Emma Vance] Service ace (Lariah Allen). Point OKLAHOMA
[Emma Vance] Kill by Allison Patak (from Madison Garcia). Point SCIENCE
[Samantha Perez] Kill by Samantha Perez (from Yaiza Larrauri). Point SCIENCE
19-16 [Samantha Perez] Kill by Gabrielle Fjeseth (from Emma Vance). Point OKLAHOMA
  Timeout Science and Arts.  
[Ruby Kelley] Kill by Lariah Allen (from Samantha Perez). Point SCIENCE
20-17 [Lariah Allen] Kill by Michela de Stefano (from Emma Vance). Point OKLAHOMA
[Catelyn Vargas] Kill by Kat Smith (from Samantha Perez). Point SCIENCE
[Soleil Trejo] Attack error by Rylee Steward. Point SCIENCE
21-19 [Soleil Trejo] Kill by Gabrielle Fjeseth (from Emma Vance). Point OKLAHOMA
[Cassidy DeShong] Kill by Laura Barrios Bardi (from Samantha Perez). Point SCIENCE
22-20 [Madison Garcia] Kill by Rylee Steward (from Cassidy DeShong). Point OKLAHOMA
23-20 [Michela de Stefano] Service ace (Laura Barrios Bardi). Point OKLAHOMA
  Timeout Science and Arts.  
24-20 [Michela de Stefano] Kill by Rylee Steward (from Cassidy DeShong). Point OKLAHOMA
25-20 [Michela de Stefano] Kill by Rylee Steward (from Cassidy DeShong). Point OKLAHOMA
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1-0 [Samantha Perez] Attack error by Kat Smith (block by Ruby Kelley; Rylee Steward). Point OKLAHOMA
2-0 [Kaitlyn Dunlap] Attack error by Allison Patak. Point OKLAHOMA
[Kaitlyn Dunlap] Attack error by Ruby Kelley (block by Allison Patak; Kat Smith). Point SCIENCE
[Lariah Allen] Kill by Allison Patak (from Samantha Perez). Point SCIENCE
3-2 [Lariah Allen] Kill by Catelyn Vargas (from Cassidy DeShong). Point OKLAHOMA
4-2 [Emma Vance] Kill by Catelyn Vargas (from Emma Vance). Point OKLAHOMA
[Emma Vance] Kill by Laura Barrios Bardi (from Samantha Perez). Point SCIENCE
[Soleil Trejo] Attack error by Catelyn Vargas. Point SCIENCE
5-4 [Soleil Trejo] Service error. Point OKLAHOMA
[Ruby Kelley] Kill by PJ Curry (from Samantha Perez). Point SCIENCE
[Madison Garcia] Bad set by Emma Vance. Point SCIENCE
[Madison Garcia] Attack error by Catelyn Vargas. Point SCIENCE
6-7 [Madison Garcia] Attack error by PJ Curry (block by Gabrielle Fjeseth; Michela de Stefano). Point OKLAHOMA
7-7 [Catelyn Vargas] Kill by Rylee Steward (from Emma Vance). Point OKLAHOMA
8-7 [Catelyn Vargas] Service ace (Laura Barrios Bardi). Point OKLAHOMA
[Catelyn Vargas] Kill by Samantha Perez (from Madison Garcia). Point SCIENCE
9-8 [Marquis King] Kill by Gabrielle Fjeseth (from Emma Vance). Point OKLAHOMA
[Cassidy DeShong] Kill by Samantha Perez. Point SCIENCE
10-9 [Amanda Trevizo] Kill by Rylee Steward (from Cassidy DeShong). Point OKLAHOMA
11-9 [Michela de Stefano] Attack error by Allison Patak. Point OKLAHOMA
12-9 [Michela de Stefano] Attack error by Samantha Perez. Point OKLAHOMA
[Michela de Stefano] Service error. Point SCIENCE
[Samantha Perez] Service ace (Kaitlyn Dunlap). Point SCIENCE
13-11 [Samantha Perez] Bad set by Allison Patak. Point OKLAHOMA
14-11 [Kaitlyn Dunlap] Service ace (Team). Point OKLAHOMA
  Timeout Science and Arts.  
15-11 [Kaitlyn Dunlap] Attack error by Lariah Allen. Point OKLAHOMA
[Kaitlyn Dunlap] Kill by Allison Patak (from Samantha Perez). Point SCIENCE
16-12 [Lariah Allen] Attack error by Kat Smith. Point OKLAHOMA
[Emma Vance] Service error. Point SCIENCE
[Soleil Trejo] Service ace (Riley Winkler). Point SCIENCE
[Soleil Trejo] Attack error by Ruby Kelley. Point SCIENCE
17-15 [Soleil Trejo] Attack error by Soleil Trejo. Point OKLAHOMA
[Ruby Kelley] Kill by Laura Barrios Bardi (from Samantha Perez). Point SCIENCE
[Madison Garcia] Attack error by Michela de Stefano. Point SCIENCE
18-17 [Madison Garcia] Kill by Ruby Kelley (from Emma Vance). Point OKLAHOMA
19-17 [Catelyn Vargas] Attack error by Laura Barrios Bardi (block by Michela de Stefano; Rylee Steward). Point OKLAHOMA
20-17 [Catelyn Vargas] Kill by Michela de Stefano (from Catelyn Vargas). Point OKLAHOMA
[Catelyn Vargas] Kill by PJ Curry (from Madison Garcia). Point SCIENCE
[Marquis King] Attack error by Rylee Steward (block by Samantha Perez). Point SCIENCE
21-19 [Marquis King] Kill by Rylee Steward (from Emma Vance). Point OKLAHOMA
[Cassidy DeShong] Kill by Samantha Perez (from Madison Garcia). Point SCIENCE
[Amanda Trevizo] Kill by Lariah Allen (from Madison Garcia). Point SCIENCE
  Timeout Oklahoma City.  
22-21 [Amanda Trevizo] Attack error by Lariah Allen. Point OKLAHOMA
[Michela de Stefano] Kill by Lariah Allen (from Madison Garcia). Point SCIENCE
[Samantha Perez] Kill by Samantha Perez (from Lariah Allen). Point SCIENCE
  Timeout Oklahoma City.  
[Samantha Perez] Bad set by Cassidy DeShong. Point SCIENCE
23-24 [Samantha Perez] Kill by Ruby Kelley (from Cassidy DeShong). Point OKLAHOMA
24-24 [Kaitlyn Dunlap] Attack error by Kat Smith (block by Hannah Grundy; Catelyn Vargas). Point OKLAHOMA
25-24 [Kaitlyn Dunlap] Attack error by Samantha Perez. Point OKLAHOMA
  Timeout Science and Arts.  
[Kaitlyn Dunlap] Kill by Lariah Allen (from Samantha Perez). Point SCIENCE
26-25 [Lariah Allen] Attack error by Laura Barrios Bardi (block by Hannah Grundy; Catelyn Vargas). Point OKLAHOMA
27-25 [Emma Vance] Attack error by Kat Smith. Point OKLAHOMA
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